The post was originally written for Mental Health Awareness Week, but we thought the time was right to examine the effects massage can have on your mental health right now!
It is well known and well researched that physical and mental health are interconnected. It is impossible to have one without the other.
It is not hard to find situations in our normal daily lives where stress affects our well-being on both physical and emotional levels; the workplace, relationships, financial stress, the list goes on.
We can find healthy coping strategies for dealing with stress that will help us deal with both physical and mental ailments. Although the benefits of Massage services are well known for a range of physical issues, science has shown that regular massage has impressive effects on our mental health as well.
Your body, mind, and productivity will be transformed when you schedule a regular massage each month. Here’s why…
Improved Sleep
Regular sleep is an essential part of any wellness routine. Our bodies and minds are more susceptible to physical and mental problems without it. While workplace massage isn’t intended to send you off to sleep on the spot, the effects of increased blood circulation, lowered heart rate, and relaxed muscles can help you sleep better – and for longer – when you do finally retire for the night.
Symptoms of depression can be relieved
Researchers examined 17 clinical studies to determine if massage therapy could relieve depression symptoms. Each and every one of the studies showed positive results in relieving depression and anxiety symptoms.
It is important to note that massage is not a substitute for professional help or advice if you suffer from depression or need help talking to someone about it. Please seek help if you need it.
Create a sense of connectedness and wellbeing
The “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone” is oxytocin. Whenever someone connects physically, touches, hugs, or bonds, oxytocin is released, promoting deep feelings of comfort, ease, and wellbeing.
As we massage over the clothes, our massage superheroes get those hormones flowing in a safe and non-offensive way.
Stress levels are reduced
Stress is caused by cortisol, the “stress hormone.” When it is out of control, we feel tired, anxious, and tense. Stress and cortisol levels that remain elevated for a prolonged period of time can lead to a host of other health problems. It has been proven that massage reduces cortisol levels by up to 30 percent. As a result, anxiety can be naturally handled by your body.
Feel refreshed and energized
It is exhausting and draining to live with a mental illness. It can be difficult to even drag yourself out of bed in the morning, let alone work with a clear mind. Massage can increase circulation, making you feel more energized and focused, dispelling feelings of fatigue and lethargy.
Enhance serotonin levels and dopamine production naturally
Several antidepressants work by boosting serotonin levels in the brain (the “happy” neurotransmitter). Massage has been proven to boost both serotonin and dopamine by about 30 percent, resulting in a boost in our mood.
Calm Your Mind
Taking a break from your work, even for 15 minutes, can allow you to reset your brain and take some deep breaths along with the physical changes caused by massage. When you step away from your desk, you can gain perspective, so you can return to your tasks refreshed.