

Earth Day 2021: Sustainability Trends to Follow

Sheen Magazine – Kay Cola Talks All Things Hair & What's To Come with  TheOrganiBrands

Earth Day is coming up in 2021, and we’re already wondering what sustainability trends will be on the horizon.

What’s happening in this field? What are some of the challenges we face? And more importantly- how can you help change those things to make a better future for everyone?

The global population is growing, which means more people are using up resources and creating waste. With so many things happening in our environment it becomes difficult to know what steps you should take for Earth day.

Earth Day is a day to celebrate Mother Earth and all that she provides us. It’s also an excellent opportunity to take time for self-reflection and think about what we can do going forward in order to make our planet greener, cleaner, healthier, more sustainable, and less polluted.

1.   Reduce your carbon footprint

The average American’s carbon footprint is about 20.1 tons of CO2 per year, which translates to 117 pounds of CO2 per day.

That’s a lot!

Studies show that reducing your carbon footprint by just 10% will help the environment and could even save you money on your monthly energy bill.

Reducing your carbon footprint is not as hard as it seems, and can be done with simple changes in lifestyle.

What are some ways to reduce your carbon footprint?

  • Turn off lights when they are not needed.
  • Unplug anything that is not being used on a regular basis, like chargers or appliances.
  • Use cold water for washing clothes instead of hot water if possible.
  • Embrace the earth’s natural resources as renewable energy sources become more popular

2.   Buy locally grown produce and goods

The health of our planet is in jeopardy.

One way to help reduce this crisis is to buy locally grown produce and goods. By supporting your local farmers you’ll be reducing transportation emissions that create smog that harms human respiratory systems as well as help eliminate the need for using pesticides on crops by selecting organic produce or buying from farms that use no-spray methods.

Buying locally grown produce and goods is a great way to support your local economy, save money, and reduce the number of food miles associated with transporting food. Buying local also reduces carbon footprint by limiting transportation emissions from fuel-burning vehicles.

3.   Invest in sustainable products

The natural world is changing, and so are the rules of business. In order to keep up with these changes, it’s important for businesses to invest in sustainable products that have a smaller environmental footprint than those made traditionally.

Sustainable products are an investment in the future. They’re made with healthy ingredients and are designed to last for generations. It’s time for a change!

According to All Things Hair, around 73% of us are choosing organic or eco-friendly goods instead of manufactured items which benefits our health but also helps protect nature as well!

If you haven’t been green living before, it’s time to start! We’ve compiled a list of sustainable products that will help get your journey started. All these items are made with healthy ingredients and designed for generations.

●      Reusable grocery bags

Reusable bags are a great way to save money, create less waste and help protect the environment.

Grocery shopping with reusable grocery bags can reduce plastic bag use by 300 million in just one year! For every bag you reuse instead of using disposable ones, it saves 17 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from being released into our atmosphere.

●      Rechargeable batteries

Rechargeable batteries also provide another eco-friendly benefit for those who want their electronics to last longer too as they produce fewer toxic chemicals during operation than disposables do, making them more environmentally friendly choices versus buying cheap throwaway alkaline batteries that contain mercury (a hazardous substance).

●      Biodegradable garbage bags

Biodegradable garbage bags make it easier to take care of cleaning duties because they have a much more positive impact on our environment than plastic ones do since they degrade naturally over time so we don’t need as many landfills anymore!

●      Reusable straws and coffee filters

Reusable straws help reduce single-use plastics every day with just one simple swap out while reusable coffee filters save trees from being destroyed when used instead of paper filters which most people simply throw away after brewing their morning joe.

4.   Buy less, buy better quality items that will last longer and reduce waste

It’s time we start looking at the bigger picture when it comes to shopping. There was a study done by scientists in France who found that only 20% of clothing is worn regularly, while 80% of clothes are just sitting around collecting dust.

So what can be done? The answer lies in buying less and buying better quality items that will last longer and reduce waste.

We live in a disposable society where everyone is encouraged to consume, buy, and discard. Buying less but buying better quality items means that you are reducing waste and saving money. You’re also helping the environment by not using resources like packaging materials or polluting the water with chemicals from synthetic clothing.

5.   Use less water and energy in your home by installing new appliances or changing the way you do things

Did you know that the average U.S. household wastes more than 50 gallons of water every day? If this doesn’t sound like a lot, consider that an Olympic-sized swimming pool holds 660 tons and most households use just one toilet for everything. So if we all cut our consumption by 10% then 8 million pounds of wastewater will be saved each year.

Smart home technology can help reduce your energy and water consumption. New appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, or clothes dryers that are Energy Star rated will use less energy in the long run because they operate more efficiently than other models. You could also try making changes to how you do things around the house such as using a hand towel instead of paper towels when drying dishes so there is one fewer thing for your machine to wash later on!

You’ll save money by being smart about what kind of household items you buy too – new products have lower environmental impact ratings than older ones which means we’re all contributing towards our future sustainability goals even if it doesn’t seem like much at first glance.

6.   Reduce food waste by composting organic materials instead of throwing them away

The US wastes around 1 trillion dollars worth of food every year- including everything from growing, transporting, storing, etc before throwing them away into landfill sites which produce huge amounts of greenhouse gases contributing significantly towards global warming!

You can help save money while also saving an environmentally damaging process through composting your own organic material at home instead.

Composting organic materials is a great way to reduce food waste. By composting, you can divert the material from landfills and help produce nutrient-rich soil for your garden or other plants in need of fertilizer.