

Cleaning an Essential Oil Diffuser: How & Why?

Your essential oil diffuser resembles your contact lens case or dehumidifier. You use it on a close regular routine; however, the possibility of cleaning it never happens to you. That is a slip-up. Ideally, you’d wipe down your diffuser after each utilization and do a profound clean more than once per month.

However, this kind of hyper-vigilance presumably isn’t for the reason you think. While the vast majority of the surfaces or machines in your home rapidly transform into favorable places for molds, bacteria, and other nasties, if not cleaned routinely, that is seldom the situation for diffusers. 

What’s more, that could be harming both the air in your home. Not only does a filthy diffuser run inefficiently, but also it develops mold and other possibly destructive microbes. To assist with keeping your diffuser buildup free, here’s the way (and why) to clean it.


Luckily, cleaning an essential oil diffuser is simple. You should simply diffuse a blend of water and white vinegar. Fill the device with water, add a teaspoon of vinegar, and afterward, let it run as ordinary. Experts add that if you notice mold in your device, you can, without much of a stretch, wipe it down with a microfiber fabric soaked in liquor. 

Nonetheless, the ideal way of keeping your diffuser clean is to keep it from getting grimy in any case. The initial step is consistent prevention. However, try not to leave standing water when you’re finished utilizing it. All things considered, you should discharge out overabundant water and wipe it down after use. Experts suggest switching the kinds of Young Living essential oils you use, considering that thyme, clove, and rosemary have antifungal properties.

While certain individuals propose cleaning your oil diffuser after each utilization, different specialists say a decent guideline is to clean it in some measure one time per week or each time you change your oils. Notwithstanding, you should clean your diffuser after every three uses. This will assist with keeping it working without a hitch and keep any microscopic organisms or buildup from developing inside.


Science backs this up. Endless research has shown that many ordinarily utilized essential oils—like thyme, clove, rosemary, sandalwood, eucalyptus, and tea tree — are powerful microbe fighters. As such, they really assist with keeping your diffuser clean. Note that the one special case where mold may be an issue is in the event that you let water remain in a diffuser for quite a long time after the essential oil has run out. 

So, why stress over it then, at that point? The appropriate response has little to do with forestalling the danger of filling your indoor air with poisons. All things being equal, it’s tied in with aiding your diffuser capacity ideally. Oils—particularly profoundly thick ones like patchouli or vetiver—leave behind deposits that can gum up diffusers, so they don’t fill in too. Those extra buildups can likewise affect the fragrance—and viability—of the following oil you diffuse. In case you’re diffusing lavender to unwind, for example, any extra smell from that empowering grapefruit you diffused before in the day may make it harder to relax. 

However, cleaning needs to be nothing to joke about. After each use, simply utilize a microfiber fabric or a Q-tip to wipe away any abundance of oil or water. Then, at that point, on more than one occasion per month, give the device a more exhaustive cleaning by cleaning everything down with scouring liquor. Or, on the other hand, drop a teaspoon of white vinegar into the device and let it run. In any case, perhaps do it outside, except if you need your space to smell.